首页 变频器 C9900-B512 变频器 倍福

C9900-B512 变频器 倍福

发布时间 2023-04-25 收藏 分享
价格 1.00
品牌 倍福
区域 全国
来源 福建鸿飞达自动化科技有限公司




福建鸿飞达自动化科技有限主营进口零部件.品牌众多,系列齐全. 优势产品:霍尼韦尔测厚备件。西门子烟气分析仪。西门子3UF电机保护器。罗宾康系列。福克斯波罗阀门定位器。亨士乐编码器。ABB张力传感器,施耐德柏格拉一体化电机等优势产品,专门成立涉外采购部,专业对接,实时优化,真诚沟通.欢迎咨询


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C9900-B508     工业电脑         2 PCI plug-in card slots on the passive backplane integrated inside CP62xx or CP67xx-xxxx-0040/-0050, to plug-in PCI cards up to 190 mm (7.5“) length. The depth of the back cover is increased by 66 mm (2.6“).

C9900-B512     工业电脑         1 PCI and 1 PCIe plug-in card slot on a passive backplane integrated inside CP62xx or CP67xx-xxxx-0040/-0050, to plug-in one PCI and one PCIe x1 card up to 190 mm (7.5“) length. The depth of the back cover is increased by 66 mm (2.6“).

C9900-T902      工业电脑         touch screen pen with wall holder for CP6xxx, C33xx and C36xx

C9900-F700      工业电脑         stainless steel front with flush-mounted touch screen for CP6201-0021, CP6601-0021, CP6701-0021-0040/-0050, CP6901-0021, stainless steel 1.4301, matt ground with grain size 240, with 1-port USB A socket, stainless steel screw-on cap with internally mounted wire to hold the cap, instead of standard aluminum front

C9900-F306      工业电脑         stainless steel front with flush-mounted touch screen for CP6201-0001, CP6601-0001, CP6701-0001-0040/-0050, CP6901-0001, stainless steel 1.4301, matt ground with grain size 240, instead of standard aluminum front

C9900-F701      工业电脑         stainless steel front with flush-mounted touch screen for CP6202-0021, CP6602-0021, CP6702-0021-0040/-0050, CP6902-0021, stainless steel 1.4301, matt ground with grain size 240, with 1-port USB A socket, stainless steel screw-on cap with internally mounted wire to hold the cap, instead of standard aluminum front

C9900-F303      工业电脑         stainless steel front with flush-mounted touch screen for CP6202-0001, CP6602-0001, CP6702-0001-0040/-0050, CP6902-0001, stainless steel 1.4301, matt ground with grain size 240, instead of standard aluminum front

C9900-F307      工业电脑         stainless steel front with flush-mounted touch screen for CP6203-0001, CP6603-0001, CP6703-0001-0040/-0050, CP6903-0001, stainless steel 1.4301, matt ground with grain size 240, instead of standard aluminum front

C9900-F702    工业电脑         stainless steel front with flush-mounted touch screen for CP6203-0021, CP6603-0021, CP6703-0021-0040/-0050, CP6903-0021, stainless steel 1.4301, matt ground with grain size 240, with 1-port USB A socket, stainless steel screw-on cap with internally mounted wire to hold the cap, instead of standard aluminum front

C9900-E159      工业电脑         "Serial port RS232, optically linked, overload protection, D-sub 9-pin connector.

An additional fieldbus card is possible with a PCIe module slot as a connector bracket."

C9900-E188      工业电脑         "Serial port RS485, optically linked, overload protection, D-sub 9-pin connector.

An additional fieldbus card is possible with a PCIe module slot as a connector bracket.

Configuration as an end point without echo: echo off, auto send on, always send off, auto receive on, always receive off, termination on"

C9900-E189      工业电脑         "Serial port RS422, optically linked, overload protection, D-sub 9-pin connector.

An additional fieldbus card is possible with a PCIe module slot as a connector bracket.

Configuration as a full duplex end point: echo on, auto send off, always send on, auto receive off, always receive on, termination on"

C9900-Z411      工业电脑         adapter plug DVI-I to VGA

C9900-Z413      工业电脑         adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA, 15 cm

C9900-D196     工业电脑         1 slot for one 2?-inch hard disk or SSD and 1 slot for one CFast card, 


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