价格 | 1.00元 |
品牌 | 倍福 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 福建鸿飞达自动化科技有限公司 |
尽管人工智能技术的发展从未间断,但迄今为止,还没有任何智能设备能够超越人脑的智慧。在不久的将来,人类借助多核技术和超强的CPU计算能力将慢慢靠近这一梦想。在工业控制领域,人工智能技术可用于改善工艺操作流程,使人机交互更加频繁,同时故障诊断和排除速度更快,保证了产品质量,提高生产效率。每一个系统组件或设备模块都可被分配到一个CPU核,使高速并行处理成为可能。 "科技自动化"理念已成为Beckhoff不懈追求的目标,并将创新精神融入硬件和软件全系列产品,为应对未来科技的发展提供了广阔的空间。它将以自动化与科技的相互渗透、相互支持、双螺旋式共同发展的模式,为企业提升自主创新能力,促进其基础装备现代化,提升国内科研水平及国内产品的技术含量,推进战略新兴产业和先进制造业的发展,为中国制造向中国创造的转变贡献力量。 自动化仪器进口渠道、渠道完善、质量保证、质保、如有需求尽管找我!您发型号和数量我发您报价!上万客户的合作成功案例,信誉保证,不用担心款到无货。 福建鸿飞达自动化科技有限公司 !联系人:鄢晓丽(小鄢) 联系电话:18065057209(微信同号) 0591-22875422 QQ:2881507050 公司网址:http://www.hfd-dcs.com/ 公司地址:福建省福州市高新区乌龙江大道正荣财富中心3座八层 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screen CP6732-0002-0040 工业电脑 Economy built-in Panel PC CP67xx-xxxx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch pad CP6742-0000-0040 工业电脑 Economy built-in Panel PC CP67xx-xxxx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sides CP6742-0001-0040 工业电脑 Economy built-in Panel PC CP67xx-xxxx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sides, touch screen CP6703-0000-0040 工业电脑 Economy built-in Panel PC CP67xx-xxxx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys CP6703-0001-0040 工业电脑 Economy built-in Panel PC CP67xx-xxxx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, touch screen CP6703-0020-0040 工业电脑 Economy built-in Panel PC CP67xx-xxxx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front CP6703-0021-0040 工业电脑 Economy built-in Panel PC CP67xx-xxxx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screen CP6713-0000-0040 工业电脑 Economy built-in Panel PC CP67xx-xxxx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys CP6713-0001-0040 工业电脑 Economy built-in Panel PC CP67xx-xxxx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys, touch screen CP6723-0000-0040 工业电脑 Economy built-in Panel PC CP67xx-xxxx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard CP6723-0001-0040 工业电脑 Economy built-in Panel PC CP67xx-xxxx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch screen CP6723-0002-0040 工业电脑 Economy built-in Panel PC CP67xx-xxxx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch pad CP6733-0000-0040 工业电脑 Economy built-in Panel PC CP67xx-xxxx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard CP6733-0001-0040 工业电脑 Economy built-in Panel PC CP67xx-xxxx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screen CP6733-0002-0040 工业电脑 Economy built-in Panel PC CP67xx-xxxx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch pad C9900-R249 工业电脑 memory extension to 4 GB DDR3 RAM, instead of 2 GB, requires a 64 bit operating system or only 3 GB are addressable C9900-R250 工业电脑 memory extension to 8 GB DDR3 RAM, instead of 2 GB, requires a 64 bit operating system C9900-B415 工业电脑 third on-board Ethernet adapter on the 3?-inch motherboard for Intel Atom? or Intel? Celeron? ULV 827E 1.4 GHz, wired out with a 100/1000BASE-T connector inside the connector bracket at the connection section C9900-B500 工业电脑 2 PCIe module slots integrated inside CP62xx or CP67xx-xxxx-0040/-0050, to plug-in Beckhoff PCIe modules or to lead out interfaces of the motherboard ex factory. The depth of the back cover is increased by 30 mm (1.2“). C9900-B504 工业电脑 2 PCIe plug-in card slots on the passive backplane integrated inside CP62xx or CP67xx-xxxx-0040/-0050, to plug-in PCIe x1 cards up to 190 mm (7.5“) length. The depth of the back cover is increased by 66 mm (2.6“). 还有生长在我们旁边的野草,野花等。它们与我们一起点缀大地。我们要成长为参天大树,为大地争光。
联系人 | 小鄢 |