价格 | 1.00元 |
品牌 | 倍福 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 福建鸿飞达自动化科技有限公司 |
科技创新是我国社会经济与可持续发展的基础,是提升综合国力的灵魂,是实现"从中国制造到中国创造,从制造大国迈向制造强国"的引擎。随着国家"十二五"规划及振兴先进制造业等产业政策的出台,创新体系的建设将进入到在国家层次上进行整体设计和系统推进的新阶段。科技创新已成为未来我国社会经济和工业发展的重大战略部署。 在国内外产业发展的大趋势下,面对资源、环境、人力成本的挑战和激烈的市场竞争,企业只有通过不断的技术创新,提高机器的自动化程度、整体性能和可靠性,快速研发出性价比更高的产品,为用户带来更多价值的同时,降低综合成本,才能在不断变化的市场环境中立于不败之地。 福建鸿飞达自动化科技有限公司经销德国西门子,美国AB罗克韦尔,德国力士乐,日本发那科,日本基恩士,日本安川,日本松下,瑞典ABB,法国施耐德,德国巴赫曼,美国艾默生意大利DVP,.邦飞利等品牌产品,有专门的涉外采购部,多渠道.实时优化..有需要的可以询价 !联系人:鄢晓丽(小鄢) 联系电话:18065057209(微信同号) 0591-22875422 QQ:2881507050 公司网址:http://www.hfd-dcs.com/ 公司地址:福建省福州市高新区乌龙江大道正荣财富中心3座八层 CP6623-0001-0020 工业电脑 Built-in Panel PC CP66xx-xxxx-0020 with ARM Cortex?-A8, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, with touch screen CP6623-0002-0020 工业电脑 Built-in Panel PC CP66xx-xxxx-0020 with ARM Cortex?-A8, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, with touch pad CP6633-0000-0020 工业电脑 Built-in Panel PC CP66xx-xxxx-0020 with ARM Cortex?-A8, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard CP6633-0001-0020 工业电脑 Built-in Panel PC CP66xx-xxxx-0020 with ARM Cortex?-A8, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, with touch screen CP6633-0002-0020 工业电脑 Built-in Panel PC CP66xx-xxxx-0020 with ARM Cortex?-A8, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch pad C9900-T902 工业电脑 touch screen pen with wall holder for CP6xxx, C33xx and C36xx C9900-F305 工业电脑 stainless steel front with flush-mounted touch screen for CP6207-0001, CP6607-0001, CP6907-0001, stainless steel 1.4301, matt ground with grain size 240, instead of standard aluminum front C9900-F309 工业电脑 stainless steel front with flush-mounted touch screen for CP6209-0001, CP6609-0001, CP6909-0001, stainless steel 1.4301, matt ground with grain size 240, instead of standard aluminum front C9900-F700 工业电脑 stainless steel front with flush-mounted touch screen for CP6201-0021, CP6601-0021, CP6701-0021-0040/-0050, CP6901-0021, stainless steel 1.4301, matt ground with grain size 240, with 1-port USB A socket, stainless steel screw-on cap with internally mounted wire to hold the cap, instead of standard aluminum front C9900-F306 工业电脑 stainless steel front with flush-mounted touch screen for CP6201-0001, CP6601-0001, CP6701-0001-0040/-0050, CP6901-0001, stainless steel 1.4301, matt ground with grain size 240, instead of standard aluminum front C9900-F701 工业电脑 stainless steel front with flush-mounted touch screen for CP6202-0021, CP6602-0021, CP6702-0021-0040/-0050, CP6902-0021, stainless steel 1.4301, matt ground with grain size 240, with 1-port USB A socket, stainless steel screw-on cap with internally mounted wire to hold the cap, instead of standard aluminum front C9900-F303 工业电脑 stainless steel front with flush-mounted touch screen for CP6202-0001, CP6602-0001, CP6702-0001-0040/-0050, CP6902-0001, stainless steel 1.4301, matt ground with grain size 240, instead of standard aluminum front C9900-F307 工业电脑 stainless steel front with flush-mounted touch screen for CP6203-0001, CP6603-0001, CP6703-0001-0040/-0050, CP6903-0001, stainless steel 1.4301, matt ground with grain size 240, instead of standard aluminum front C9900-F702 工业电脑 stainless steel front with flush-mounted touch screen for CP6203-0021, CP6603-0021, CP6703-0021-0040/-0050, CP6903-0021, stainless steel 1.4301, matt ground with grain size 240, with 1-port USB A socket, stainless steel screw-on cap with internally mounted wire to hold the cap, instead of standard aluminum front C9900-H800 工业电脑 2 GB microSD card, instead of 512 MB microSD card C9900-H801 工业电脑 4 GB microSD card, instead of 512 MB microSD card C9900-H806 工业电脑 8 GB microSD card, instead of 512 MB microSD card C9900-S706 工业电脑 软件 PLC runtime for Windows Embedded Compact 7 C9900-S707 工业电脑 软件 NC PTP runtime for Windows Embedded Compact 7 C9900-U212 工业电脑 internal, capacitive 1-second UPS to ensure secure backup of 这突如其来的地震,就像是一场黑色的浪潮,毫不留情的吞噬着大地上的人类,一下子让黑暗蒙住了双眼,一下子毫无知觉,就永远沉睡在大地之下了。
联系人 | 小鄢 |