The Product Safety department was informed of a safety incident with a product sold by you.
Your product appears to be an Electronic.
Please respond to the above concern by taking the following steps within the next 7 days:
1. Submit the following documentation:
a. Declaration of Conformity. This must be issued by the EU based manufacturer or, if the product's manufacturer is not based in the EU, the EU based importer.
b. Test Reports to back up the Declaration of Conformity
c. Images of the product and packaging from all sides, showing 1. address of EU based manufacturer or importer 2. CE marking and 3. brand and model number
d. Instructions for use
e. Handled by Shenzhen STA Testing Co., Ltd
2. C.o.mplete the below Product Safety Questionnaire. The questionnaire is geared towards addressing the safety concern that the customer has brought up. Please contact the manufacturer of the product for details you might not have.