价格 | 100.00元 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 深圳市五祥检测(集团)有限公司 |
灯串SAA认证多少钱?灯串AS/NZS60598.2.20认证怎么做?灯串EESS注册是什么?灯串控制器AS/NZS 61347.2.13办理流程,灯串RCM认证怎么收费? 澳洲亚马逊哪些灯饰/灯具需要办理AS/NZS60598认证!!灯条/灯串/夜灯AS/NZS60598认证认证如何办理呢?装饰灯AS/NZS61347认证费用多少钱?要多久时间? 许多亚马逊卖家反映:在亚马逊卖的灯串/灯饰/季节性灯,被亚马逊通知48小时内必须提供AS/NZS60598认证认证!无此认证将被下架!这到底是怎么一回事呢?亚马逊为什么要下架灯串呢?下架又如何解决呢? 亚马逊对灯串类必须符合AS/NZS60598.2.20认证的原文要求: Amazon’s policies require that certain fire and other safety products sold through the Amazon must meet specified certification standards. In order to sell these products on Amazon, you must apply and submit the following to electronics-safety.. 1. Company name 2. Seller ID 3. Email address 4. Phone number 5. A list of ASINs you are applying to sell 6. If you are a reseller of these products, a letter from the manufacturer demonstrating that you are an authorized reseller 7. Documentation from an accredited testing laboratory or organization is required to confirm the product was tested and found to comply with the applicable latest standards listed: Luminaires, Lighting Chains, String Lights, 3D Shapes - AS/NZS60598; IF STRING HAS CONTROLLER: Lamp controller, D.C. or A.C. Control gear for LED modules used with Luminaires (if string has a controller)- AS/NZS 61347.2.13; 8. An image of the product or packaged product where the model number is visible 澳洲亚马逊合规要求: 灯串应符合以下任意一要求: 1.在EESS注册数据库中注册了型号;或 2.在EESS注册数据中注册了电器批准证书;或 3.具有认可的检查实验室或几个初级的文件,证明商品经过检测并符合AS/NZS 60598.2.20的规定,如果灯串具有控制器,则是AS/NZS 61347.2.13 也就是 说灯串/灯具各类产品澳洲亚马逊销售必须要符合AS/NZS60598认证的要求!如果有控制器的还要增加61347的标准!那怎么办理 AS/NZS60598认证呢? 灯串SAA认证或AS/NZS60598.2.20认证流程: 1.填写申请表, 2.提供产品的资料, 3.寄样品, 4.测试OK, 5.出报告/证书。 费用:根据实际情况评估。
联系人 | 张工 |