价格 | 38.00元 |
品牌 | 晟成 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 广州晟成筛网有限公司 |
惠州电厂厂区围墙护栏 定做工业区围墙栏杆 包安装铁艺栅栏 The blue and white zinc steel fence of the project department is in stock. The protective railing of Qingyuan school and the fence of Jiangmen bus station 我公司拥有自己的工厂,非代理非中间商,给您优惠的价格;质量我们同样有,按图纸生产,您购买的货物具体规格等数据也可立合同,让您买得放心。我们不以吸引您的眼球,只凭好的产品和服务让您满意! 欢迎新老客户来厂考察 公司简介 晟成护栏创建于1990年11月,是中国护栏行业的一体化制造企业,集制管与拔丝、配件研发与生产、焊接加工与组装、镀锌与喷涂四个完整的工序与一身,产品涵盖了所有的护栏防护类产品,包括护栏网、锌钢围栏、声屏障、波形护栏、各类丝网产品等八大系列超百种产品。 温馨提示:本厂可免费提供:场地测量、产品方案推荐、产品图纸设计(3D图及CAD图纸)、产品样板提供、产品安装培训等等化的服务。 15918460924(电话号码同号)与林经理联系。 The edge guardrail of foundation pit is very common in construction sites. It is an earth pit excavated according to the height and plane size of the foundation and the construction position of the foundation. It is mainly used to lay the foundation. Construction method of foundation pit edge guardrail: ① cast foundation on site and excavate foundation pit manually. For the rock parts that cannot be excavated manually, please drill shallow holes with air pick or air gun, supplemented by weak blasting, excavate the upper soil pit wall for leveling, while the lower rock pit wall is straight. ② The excavation slope of the foundation pit depends on the ground, and the size of the foundation pit shall adapt to the contour of the foundation pit. Before installing the concrete foundation, the size and plane direction of the foundation pit and the flatness and compactness of the ground shall be checked in time, and then the foundation construction shall be continued. 惠州电厂厂区围墙护栏 定做工业区围墙栏杆 包安装铁艺栅栏
联系人 | 林经理 |