价格 | 面议 |
品牌 | GE模块 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 厦门圣企机电设备有限公司 |
GE模块IC693CPU350CPU 350 ModuleGE模块IC693CPU350CPU 350 Module 扩展资料 工作原理如下:变频压缩机运转的频率高低,通过由室外机电脑板向功率模块输入变频压缩机运行控制信号,经功率模块逆变 所输出的交流电压、交流电流和交流频率的高低来控制压缩机回转数,功率模块输出的电压、电流和频率越高。 变频压缩机运转频率及输出功率就越高,反之,功率模块输出的电压、电流和频率越低,变频压缩机运转频率及输出功率就会 越低。功率模块内部是由三组(每组两只)大功率的开关三极管组成,其作用是将输入模块的直流电压通过三极管的开关作用 逆变为驱动压缩机的三相交流电源。 功率模块输入的直流电压P 与N-之间电压通常为310V左右,而功率模块U、V、W三端其中任意两相之间输出的交流电压一般在 50V-200V。注:U 、V 、W 为上臂,U-、V-、W-为下臂。 功率模块是功率电力电子器件按一定的功能组合再灌封成一个模块。 作用:具有GTR(大功率晶体管)高电流密度、低饱和电压和耐高压的优点,以及MOSFET(场效应晶体管)高输入阻抗、高开关频 率和低驱动功率的优点。 而且IPM内部集成了逻辑、控制、检测和保护电路,使用起来方便,不仅减小了系统的体积以及开发时间,也大大增强了系统的 可靠,适应了当今功率器件的发展方向——模块化、复合化和功率集成电路(PIC),在电力电子领域得到了越来越广泛的应用。 IC697ACC644 24VDC fan tray for Series 90-70 or RX7i short racks. IC697ACC700 Terminal Block, 40 Contacts (qty 6) IC697ACC701 Replacement Battery, CPU & PCM (qty 2) IC697ACC702 I/O Bus Terminator Plug IC697ACC715 Kit, VME Integrator, J2 Backplane Mounting IC697ACC720 Blank Slot Filler, full slot rack (qty. 6) IC697ACC721 Rack Cooling Fan, 115 Volt IC697ACC722 VME Backplane Connector, Interrupt Jumper (qty 6) IC697ACC723 Clear Plastic Doors (qty 6) IC697ACC724 Rack Cooling Fan, 230 Volt IC697ACC726 Top PWA Cover, CPU-Style, (Quantity 6) IC697ACC727 Top and Bottom PWA Cover - GBC (Quantity 2) IC697ACC728 Top and Bottom PWA Cover - BTM/BTR (Quantity 2) IC697ACC729 Top and Bottom PWA Cover - I/O Link IC697ACC730 Spare Slot Terminal Strip Retainer (Quantity 1) IC697ACC732 Top PWA Cover - CPU77x and CPU78x (Qty 2) IC697ACC735 Blank Slot Filler, half slot integrators rack (qty. 6) IC697ACC744 Rack Cooling Fan, 24 VDC IC697ACC775 Gold plated analog terminal blocks for IC697ALG234, IC697ALG324, IC697ALG444 and IC697ALG445. Qty 6 blocks in package. IC697ACC800 Fiber Optic Cable for Reflective Memory module (IC697VRM015). Five fe et long. IC697ACC801 I/O Cable (96 conductor) for IC697Vxxxxx modules. Five feet long IC697ACC802 I/O Cable (64 conductor) for IC697Vxxxxx modules. Five feet long IC697ACC803 I/O Cable (32 conductor) for IC697Vxxxxx modules. Five feet long IC697ACC804 I/O Cable (96 conductor) for IC697Vxxxxx modules. Ten feet long IC697ACC805 I/O Cable (64 conductor) for IC697Vxxxxx modules. Ten feet long IC697ACC820 DIN Rail Transition Module 32 Pin for IC697Vxxxxx modules IC697ACC821 DIN Rail Transition Module 64 Pin for IC697Vxxxxx modules IC697ACC822 DIN Rail Transition Module 96 Pin for IC697Vxxxxx modules IC697ADC701 CIMPLICITY 90-ADS Coprocessor (Repeat Systems) IC697ADC701RR Access 90 Display Coprocessor IC697ADS701 CIMPLICITY 90-ADS Package (First System) IC697ALG230 Analog Input, Voltage/Current, 8 Channels IC697ALG230RR Analog Input, Voltage/Current, 8 Channels IC697ALG234 Analog Input, Voltage/Current, 8 Channels gold plated terminal. WARNING: The IC697ALG234 module must be matched with IC697ACC775 terminal block ONLY. IC697ACC775 is included with the module. IC697ALG320 Analog Output, Voltage/Current, 4 Channels IC697ALG320RR Analog Output, Voltage/Current, 4 Channels IC697ALG324 Analog Output, Voltage/Current, 4 Channel sgold plated terminal. WARNING: The IC697ALG324 module must be matched with IC697ACC775 terminal block ONLY. IC697ACC775 is included with the module. IC697ALG440 Analog Input Expander, Current, 16 Channels IC697ALG440RR Analog Input Expander, Current, 16 Channels IC697ALG441 Analog Input Expander, Voltage, 16 Channels IC697ALG441RR Analog Input Expander, Voltage, 16 Channels IC697ALG444 Analog Input Expander, Current, 16 Channels gold plated terminal. WARNING: The IC697ALG444 module must be matched with IC697ACC775 terminal block ONLY. IC697ACC775 is included with the module. IC697ALG445 Analog Input Expander, Voltage, 16 Channels gold plated terminal. WARNING: The IC697ALG445 module must be matched with IC697ACC775 terminal block ONLY. IC697ACC775 is included with the module.
联系人 | 黄晓峰 |