首页 商超货架 时尚国潮新彩妆网红kkv店就找三牛货架


发布时间 2021-08-23 收藏 分享
价格 面议
品牌 三牛
区域 全国
来源 三牛品牌策划(广州)有限公司



KKV进口彩妆旗舰店致力于“人、货、场”的重塑。“人”的层面,KKV关注的是消费能力更强的Z世代,针对年轻消费者习惯自主消费的特点,KKV也在降低服务的存在感,将自主权还给消费者。“货”的层面,KKV以“品质 新、奇、特”为选品原则,强调“网红”、“热卖”、“断货”的概念,并让产品始终处于不断更新淘汰升级的动态当中。“场”的层面“集装箱”实现了不同运输方式之间的标准化无缝联接,对提高全球资源流动配置的效率意义非凡。

联系人:古经理 微信  (电话):13066350120


Sanniu brand strength source factory direct selling, customized, exported abroad, original factory delivery, one-stop whole store customization, one-stop design and installation, factory direct selling, value-added cost performance, powerful manufacturers, free plane layout! Give you the least budget planning!

KKV imported cosmetics flagship store is committed to the reconstruction of "people, goods and market"“ At the "people" level, KKV focuses on generation Z with stronger consumption power. According to the characteristics of young consumers' habit of independent consumption, KKV is also reducing the sense of existence of services and returning autonomy to consumers“ At the level of "goods", KKV takes "quality new, strange and special" as the selection principle, emphasizes the concepts of "online popularity", "hot sale" and "out of stock", and keeps the products in the dynamic of continuous updating, elimination and upgrading“ At the level of "field", the "container" realizes the standardized and seamless connection between different transportation modes, which is of great significance to improve the efficiency of global resource flow and allocation. 

Contact: Manager Gu wechat (TEL): 13066350120

Address: 605b-1, building 3, Shijing international building, No. 86, shisha Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou

联系人 古经理
13049690931 3146654712
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