价格 | 68000.00元 |
品牌 | 山东金耀 |
区域 | 黑龙江省 - 鹤岗市 - 兴安区 |
来源 | 山东金耀万帼游乐设备有限公司 |
大型造雪机功率大 户外人工造雪机厂家 使用与保养 开机前检查电源连接处是否有虚连。电压是否稳定。如果是发电机组供电,持续供电不可低于380伏。阀门是否结冰堵塞。如堵塞可开启电加热进行预热。喷嘴,核子器与喷头连接处是否密封。如密封圈老化或渗漏及时更换。确保风机及空压机正转。空压机油液面保持在红线处。造雪时如有结冰要及时清除以免飞溅伤人。每次造雪前检查压力表,气压表泄压阀性能;皮带涨紧度;使用完毕后把管路内余水排清。根据当地水质适当清洗喷嘴和过滤网。轴承,螺栓,伸缩杆,转盘定期注油保持各部件润滑度。每个雪季更换一次机油和空气滤芯。 Requirements for amusement tank field 1. Site environment: suitable for the places with dense passenger flow in scenic spots, parks and squares. 2. Site area: 1000 square meters to 5000 square meters 3. Road form: 2-5 meters wide and 300-1000 meters long. It is necessary to set up soil slope, water depression, grassland and gravel pavement to increase the stimulation of amusement activities 4. Safety facilities: old tire protective wall (0.4m-0.5m high) should be set on both sides of the road 5. Site decoration: according to the specific situation around the site, some plane decorations such as false walls, blockhouses, fortifications, planes, artillery, tanks, etc. can be installed
联系人 | 刘南 |