价格 | 30.00元 |
品牌 | 华耀 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 安平县华耀农业设施工程有限公司 |
锦州无土栽培_草莓种植架_立体栽培槽价格_十年老品牌 无土栽培,是指以水、草炭或森林腐叶土、蛭石等介质作植株根系的基质固定植株,植物根系能直接接触营养液的栽培方法。 无土栽培技术优点: 1、能够提高产量:无土栽培技术中作物所需各种营养元素是人为配制成营养液施用的,可以根据作物种类以及同一作物的不同生育阶段,科学地供应养分,所以作物生长发育健壮,生长势强。 2、环境清洁卫生:无土栽培技术施用的是无机肥料,而土栽培施有机肥、肥料分解发酵,产生臭味污染环境,还会使很多害虫的卵孳生,危害作物,因此无土栽培则不存在这些问题。 3、节水节肥省工:无土栽培不需要中耕、翻地、锄草等作业,省力省工。浇水追肥同时解决,而且由供液系统定时定量供给,不会造成浪费,而且管理十分方便,大大减轻了劳动强度。 4、避免连作障碍:无土栽培技术可以避免连作障碍,在蔬菜种植中土地合理轮作、避免连年重茬是防止病害严重发生和蔓延流行的重要措施之一,而无土栽培则从根本上解决了此问题。 5、不受土壤限制:无土栽培技术使作物彻底脱离了土壤环境,不受土质、水利条件的限制,地球上许多沙漠、荒原或难以耕种的地区,都可采用无土栽培方法加以利用。 草莓种植架_立体栽培槽栽培模式因具有土地利用高、果实产量高、品质优、收益好、较少病害、劳动强度要求比较低等特点,广为流传,适合规模化生产。草莓种植架_立体栽培槽栽培科技感强、新颖、美观且采摘方便是农业观光旅游必不可少的一个项目,近年来在北京、上海、东北、河北、江苏均有建设。人们观念的转变,品质优、食用安全的立体栽培草莓将会有广阔的市场前景。立体栽培形式和栽培装置仍然需要继续改进,使得既符合植株生长又方便管理、结构简单实用,逐渐实现立体栽培机械化、标准化生产。 Soilless culture in Jinzhou_ Strawberry planting frame_ Three dimensional cultivation tank price_ Ten year old brands Soilless culture refers to the cultivation method in which water, peat, forest rotten leaf soil, vermiculite and other media are used to fix the plant roots, and the plant roots can directly contact the nutrient solution. The advantages of soilless culture are as follows 1. It can improve the yield: in soilless cultivation technology, all kinds of nutrient elements required by crops are artificially formulated into nutrient solution for application, and nutrients can be supplied scientifically according to crop types and different growth stages of the same crop, so the growth and development of crops are robust and strong. 2. The environment is clean and sanitary: inorganic fertilizer is applied in soilless cultivation technology, while organic fertilizer and fertilizer decomposition and fermentation are applied in soilless cultivation, which will produce odor and pollute the environment, and also cause many insect eggs to breed and harm crops. Therefore, there are no such problems in soilless cultivation. 3. Water saving, fertilizer saving and labor saving: soilless cultivation does not need cultivation, ploughing, weeding and other operations, which saves labor and labor. Watering and topdressing can be solved at the same time, and it is supplied by the liquid supply system regularly and quantitatively, which will not cause waste, and the management is very convenient, which greatly reduces the labor intensity. 4. To avoid continuous cropping obstacles: soilless cultivation technology can avoid continuous cropping obstacles. In vegetable planting, reasonable rotation of land and avoidance of continuous cropping is one of the important measures to prevent serious occurrence and spread of diseases, and soilless cultivation fundamentally solves this problem. 5. No soil restrictions: soilless cultivation technology makes crops completely separated from the soil environment, and is not limited by soil and water conservancy conditions. Many deserts, wastelands or areas difficult to cultivate on the earth can be used by soilless cultivation methods. Strawberry planting frame_ Due to the characteristics of high land use, high fruit yield, high quality, good income, fewer diseases and low labor intensity requirements, the three-dimensional cultivation tank cultivation mode is widely spread and suitable for large-scale production. Strawberry planting frame_ In recent years, it has been constructed in Beijing, Shanghai, northeast, Hebei and Jiangsu. With the change of people's concept, the three-dimensional cultivation of strawberry with high quality and safe food will have a broad market prospect. The three-dimensional cultivation form and cultivation device still need to be improved to meet the needs of plant growth, convenient management, simple and practical structure, and gradually realize the mechanization and standardized production of three-dimensional cultivation.
联系人 | 任姣姣 |