价格 | 1680.00元 |
品牌 | 安博特 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 深圳安博特电源设备有限公司 |
厂家直供配电设备,稳压源、稳压器、有远程控制模块,可控硅控制模块,智能控制模块,自动化控制模块可供选择,被企业家广泛运用于各种精密机械设备:CNC数控设备、交通设备、监控设备、医疗设备、激光设备、木工设备、航空设备、印刷设备等等。军工品质,安全、可靠,工作环境:(温度)-20度至45度,(湿度)0-90%,采用风冷式强制散热,结缘电阻高达100M欧以上 远程供电系统是安博特为高速公路全程监控系统提供远距离交流供电的专业电源,它能够为布设在高速公路路侧的监控设备提供稳定可靠的交流稳压电源,为全程监控系统可靠运行奠定了基础。 本系统主要由电源发生器(局端机)、电源变换器(又称远端机或下位机)和传输电缆三部分组成。局端机布设在高速公路沿途收费站或服务区的供电机房内,远端机布设在高速公路沿途的各个外场监控设备旁,传输电缆布设在局端机和远端机之间的高速公路沿线。 车间火热生产中……专业OEM贴牌,诚邀各代理经销商合作加盟 深圳市安博特电源设备有限公司是一家专业高端电源设备制造商,生产制造符合ISO9000:2000国际质量体系认证。公司主要经营策略:产品与服务的全面质量控制,产品满足用户的各种需求。 安博特UPS的设计与制造符合IEC、EN、VDE、BS等国际及欧美标准,同时满足敏感电器设备制造商的专业要求。深圳市安博特电源设备有限公司系中国电源学会,中国电子学会,中国计算机行业学会,医疗器械协会会员单位,是一家专业提供与解决各种机房能源与环境的电气制造公司,是通用电气公司(GE)、飞利浦(PHLIPS)、东芝(TOSHIBA)瑞士百超(Bystronic)、德国通快、大族激光、比亚迪、富士康、日立电梯、联想电脑、优质的电源供应商 公司产品包括智能型无触点稳压电源,稳压器,工业级UPS不间断电源、隔离变压器、应急电源、避雷器、蓄电池等等,公司在北京、武汉、上海、温州、西安、成都、江苏均有维护中心,有完善的售后服务队伍,具有先进的测试、维修、培训设施。深圳市安博特电源设备有限公司为了充分发挥其在中国各方面的优势并考虑满足广大用户的实际需要,进一步壮大其在中国的营销网络,现诚招国内各省市自治区代理经销商,在您了解我们公司情况后,如有意向成为我们的合作伙伴,欢迎来电来函洽谈具体事宜,希望可以在今后的工作中达成共识并合作,为您提供我们超强有力的产品!同时专业提供OEM生产服务,欢迎国内优质电源经销商前来考查合作! Shenzhen Anbot Power Supply Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of high-end power equipment manufacturing, in accordance with the ISO9000:2000 international quality system certification. The company's main business strategy: product and service quality control, products to meet the various needs of users. Anbote UPS design and manufacturing in line with CCC, UL, IEC, EN, VDE, BS and other international and European standards, while meeting the professional requirements of the manufacturer of sensitive electrical equipment. Shenzhen Anbote Power Supply Technology Co. Ltd. China power supply society, China Institute of electronics, China computer industry association, Medical Association member units, is a professional electrical and solve all kinds of room environment and energy manufacturing company, Ge Corp (GE), PHILPS (PHLIPS), Toshiba (TOSHIBA) Bai Chao Bystronic (Switzerland), TRUMPF, BYD, Foxconn, Han's laser, Hitachi elevator, Lenovo computer, high quality power supplier company products include intelligent contactless power supply, voltage regulators, industry level UPS uninterruptible power supply, emergency power supply, isolation transformer, lightning arrester, battery and so on, the company in Beijing, Wuhan, Shanghai, Wenzhou, Xi'an, Chengdu, Jiangsu has a maintenance center, a perfect customer service service team, with advanced testing and maintenance Training facilities. Shenzhen Anbote Power Supply Technology Co. Ltd. in order to give full play to its advantages in all aspects China and consider the actual users to meet the maximum needs, to further expand the Chinese marketing network, is Chengzhao domestic provinces and autonomous regions dealer in your understanding of our company, such as the intention to become our partner welcome to discuss specific matters, hoping to reach a consensus in the future work and cooperation, we provide the most powerful product for you! At the same time to provide professional OEM production services, welcome to the domestic high-quality power dealers to examine cooperation!
联系人 | 刘小姐 |