价格 | 1000.00元 |
品牌 | 山东金耀 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 山东城基工程机械有限公司 |
撞撞球采用透明的pvc材料制作而成,一次充气产品,重复使用。由于是充气产品,中间中空,选手钻进去碰撞,非常安全,能有效防护着选手的头部和臀部。非常适合有压力,敢于挑战自我的人参与。 The collision ball is made of transparent PVC material. It is an inflatable product and can be reused. Because it is an inflatable product, hollow in the middle, the competitor drills into the collision, which is very safe and can effectively protect the head and buttocks of the competitor. It is very suitable for people who are under pressure and dare to challenge themselves. 使用方法:两名选手穿上碰碰球,在规定的区域范围之内进行碰撞,那名选手身体的任何部位被碰出规定的范围,视为失败方。 Usage: Two players put on the touchball and collide within the prescribed area. If any part of the player's body is touched out of the prescribed area, it will be regarded as the loser. 1.市场需求分析 1. Market Demand Analysis 沟通了解当地项目运营环境,形成市场分析方案。 Communicate and understand the local project operation environment, and form market analysis program. 2.项目规划方案设计 2. Project Planning Scheme Design 结合客户具体需求,制定合理的项目规划方案。 According to the specific needs of customers, formulate a reasonable project planning plan. 3.场地规划指导 3. Site Planning Guidance 专业人员亲临客户现场,对场地选择、规划进行专业指导。 Professionals visit customer sites and provide professional guidance on site selection and planning. 4.盈利模式建立 4. Establishment of Profit Model 辅助客户扩展多类赢利点,提升项目整体竞争力。 Assist customers to expand multiple profit points and enhance the overall competitiveness of the project. 济宁金耀鑫诺游乐设备主要生产各种室内外中小型游乐设备,拥有全地形坦克车、越野卡丁车、户外沙滩车、儿童挖掘机工程机械乐园、彩虹滑道、网红桥、冰雪转转、冰雪碰碰车、雪地摩托车、雪地自行车、铲雪车、推雪机、水上碰碰船、水上烧烤船等多款中小型室内外游乐设备。 PS:产品所有价格均为网上报价,请以实物为准, 具体价格请拨打图片上的联系电话来电详询!!! 温馨提示:我工厂所有设备发货方式均为货运物流,运费由地方远近和货物方数决定,具体运费请来电详询,以便造成不必要的误会!
联系人 | 赵经理 |