价格 | 23000.00元 |
品牌 | 英启 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 广州市英启电子设备有限公司 |
产品功能 Functions *打印喷头:EPSON-DX5、DX7、DX10、DX12、5113 Print head EPSON-DX5、DX7、DX10、DX12、5113 *机器铝材: 工业级6063铝材,加工精准,一体长梁 Machine aluminum Industrial grade 6063 aluminum profile,precision processing,integrated long beam *机器钣金: 采用高强度冷钣金,机架更稳重 Machine sheet metal Hing strength cold sheet metal is used and the frame is more stable *进口导轨:台湾HIWIN直线导轨,精度高,超静音 Imported guide Taiwan HIWIN linear gsuide,high precision,super quiet *工业电机:工业型无刷电机,稳定性好,步进精准 Industrial motor Industrial brushless motor with good stability and precision step *清洗功能:大型升降清洗维护站,清洗一步到位 Cleaning function large-scale lifting and cleaning maintenance station,cleaning one step in place *烘干系统:智能红外一体风扇,平台前后分段加热 Drying system Intelligent infrared one fan,segmented heating before and after the platform *收放纸器:重型前收后放系统,即打即收,方便操作 Paper collector Heavy duty back and rear discharge system,that is to and collect,easy to operate 产品参数 Parameter 机器型号 Machine model HY-1600H HY-1880H HY-2200H 喷头型号 Nozzle model EPSON DX5/ EPSON DX7/ EPSON DX10/5113 喷头数量 Number of sprinklers 1 墨水类型 Ink type 水性/弱溶剂/热转印/颜料/活性墨水 Aqueous/weak solvent/thermal trus/weak solvent/thermal transfer/piment/reactive ink 打印宽度 Print width 1600mm 1800mm 2200mm 打印精度 Printing precision 720dpi/1080dpi/1440dpi 打印速度 Printing speed EPSON DX5 EPSON DX7 EPSON DX10 5113 4pass 15㎡/h 6pass 11㎡/h 8pass 8㎡/h 4pass 15㎡/h 6pass 11㎡/h 8pass 8㎡/h 4pass 12㎡/h 6pass 9㎡/h 8pass 6㎡/h 3pass 18㎡/h 4pass 15㎡/h 6pass 12㎡/h 机器尺寸 Machine size 2410*730*1260mm 2700*730*1260mm 3030*760*1260mm 包装尺寸 Packaging size 2490*750*650mm 2760*750*650mm 3250*790*650mm 重量 weiht 168KG 182KG 255KG 联系我们 Contach us 广州市英启电子设备有限公司 广州市白云区嘉禾望岗大道88号金塬大厦3楼(办公室地址) 广州市番禺区市莲路石基村段181号永和工业区C幢(工厂地址) 联系人:伍小姐 手机\微信:18028520134 电话:020-31528805 邮箱:inqi006@163.com
联系人 | 伍小姐 |