首页 电声喇叭 供应语音识别传声器咪头4522mic


发布时间 2018-07-26 收藏 分享
价格 1.00
区域 广东省
来源 深圳市泰伦斯电子科技有限公司


Drop Test To be no interference in operation after dropped to concrete floor each one Time from 1 meter height at three directions in state of packing.
Temperature Test
    After exposure at 85℃ for 72 hours, sensitivity to be within ±3dB from initial sensitivity.
(The measurement to be done after 2 hours of conditioning at 20℃)
    After exposure at -40℃ for 72 hours, sensitivity to be within ±3dB from initial sensitivity.
(The measurement to be done after 2 hours of conditioning at 20℃)

联系人 李先生业务经理
86-755-15118003085 15118003085 175151958
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