首页 直销日常生活创意用品广告l隔水垫优质pvc吧台垫 多功能礼品

直销日常生活创意用品广告l隔水垫优质pvc吧台垫 多功能礼品

发布时间 2016-07-17 收藏 分享
价格 面议
区域 广东省 - 东莞市
来源 东莞市莱欧塑料制品有限公司


外贸出口欧美LED发光酒吧台垫 欧盟环保检测酒吧垫 PVC软胶吧垫销量6052030.00供应弹片手机支架PVC手机壳贴背公仔懒人手机支架批发U型韩国支架销量529600.90东莞厂家专业生产硅胶滴胶耳机孔胶章商标 PVC微量射出手袋商标销量889000.30厂家定做LED酒吧垫 PVC软胶发光酒吧垫闪光吧台垫 酒吧发光用品销量5017050.00地摊热卖创意U型卡通手机弹片支架 卡通软胶手机壳弹片 加硬公仔销量406701.40东莞厂家专业定做PVC软胶U盘外壳 卡通创意U盘套 USB外壳 促销品销量736603.00微量射出广告礼品U盘套 可加USB内存芯片 加工促销礼品环保U盘套销量686103.00东莞厂家供应定做优质PVC软胶拉链头 拉链头塑料硅胶头 pvc拉片销量436800.55本" height="45" src="http://img005.hc360.cn/k2/M0D/15/9A/wKhQxFdzWU-EXvLWAAAAACMwORI558.jpg" width="750" />名称:吧台垫、酒吧垫、pvc垫、桌垫、橡胶垫等……材料:环保材料(EPE橡胶)、PU、硅胶、PVC、反光材料等等。尺寸规格:长35CM X 宽27CM X 厚度1CM/PCS重量:0.9KG包装:(1)一般我司每PVC垫/OPP袋,每15PCS/件。     (2)另外我司可按客户要求提供如:pvc吸塑盒、纸盒、木盒、布袋等包装。     (3)具体产品的包装按客户指定要求包装,特殊包装需要收取相应的包装费用及材料费用。   如果客户自己提供包装材料的,我司按客户提供的包装材料免费包装。优点:用此材料可制作多种精美图案,可同时在同一产品上滴出多种不同色彩。本产品不仅弹性好,且经久耐用不占空间,因为采用环保材料对人体无毒无害客户可以放心采购。用途:产品适用于酒吧、餐厅、酒店、饭店、咖啡厅等地。亦可以用于日常家居的防滑、防水等功能。产品使用:同时可以做不同的logo,多种工艺,是一类实用性极强及广告促销极佳的产品。产品可以长期反复使用,脏了可以用洗洁剂和清水清洗。注意事项:(1)本产品不可用刀具直接切割。          (2)材料属于易燃物品,不可高温长时间的烘烤或者直接用火烧。          (3)清洗时可用湿润的布直接擦拭,也可以用细毛刷轻轻刷,亦可以用中性的洗洁剂清洗,清洗起来十分的方便简洁。     东莞市莱欧塑料制品有限公司   本公司专业设计生产PVC软胶礼品,硅胶工艺礼品、饰品、家居装饰品以及原创卡通品牌的各类动漫衍生品。如:PVC软胶吧垫,PVC卡通相框,马克杯,卡通杯垫,DIY创意钥匙扣,硅胶行李牌,软磁冰箱贴、儿童鞋底,时尚杯垫,卡通U盘套,双面钥匙套,酒吧垫,环保书签,90度粘性防滑垫,汽车安全带扣,硅胶耳机绕线器,创意笔筒,笔套,软胶手机座,手机挂绳,卡通笔记本,卡通手表带,开瓶器,PVC胶章,商标,箱包服饰鞋材等LOGO,塑胶拉链头,卡通鞋扣,发饰,徽章,胸章,硅胶手腕带,硅胶行李牌,硅胶商标,硅胶冰格,蛋糕模,能量手环,手机套,自拍杆套,手机止滑垫,U盘外壳,餐垫,笔套,笔扣,手机座,手机支架,防水垫等等,本公司产品符合美国,欧盟ROSE报告环保标准,环保无毒,由于制作工艺独特,形象逼真,手感细腻,可塑性强,外观立体,时尚,美观。紧贴市场潮流。产品耐光,耐汗,耐冷,耐摩擦,防老化,不褪色,不怕水等优点,可做3D立体和2D平面效果,也可做双面合模logo。产品广泛用于广告宣传,活动促销赠品,商务展览展会,节日活动促销,体育盛事,生活礼品,公司礼品,玩具礼品等领域!公司自成立以来,不断得到了日本迪士尼,喜羊羊,功夫龙,中国电信,肯德基,麦当劳,NHT,丰田汽车,中国工商银行,腾讯,中国移动通讯等国内外知名品牌的业务支持.从设计,开模,打样,生产,包装,运输,售后服务,为客户提供完整的一条龙服务!公司秉着诚信经营、互利双赢、持续改进、共同发展的经营方针,以精湛的技术、优良的品质、良好的服务,全力打造礼品行业品牌!     亲爱的客户朋友,也许现今社会缺失诚信,缺少信仰,但我们一定讲信用,守承诺,相信我们一定会让这世界变得更美好!世界因您而精彩,感谢一路有您的支持和厚爱!更期望一路相伴、诚信合作、共创美好未来!      Dongguan laiou plastic products CO., LTD. We are a professional manufactory and exporter of PVC soft rubber gifts, silica gel process gifts, accessories, home decoration and original cartoon brand of all kinds of cartoon derivatives. Such as: PVC soft rubber mat, PVC cartoon picture frames, mark cup, cartoon cup mat, DIY startup key chain, silicone luggage tag, soft magnetic refrigerator, childrens shoes, fashion cup mat, cartoon usb flash drive, double key sets, bar mat, environmental bookmarks, 90 degrees of sticky mat, car seat belt buckle, silicon earphone bobbin winder, entrepreneurial pen holder, pen cap, soft plastic mobile phone, mobile phone hang rope, cartoon notebook, cartoon band, bottle opener, PVC glue chapter, trademark, bags clothes shoes materials such as LOGO, plastic zipper head, cartoon shoe buckle, hair accessories, badges, badge, silicone wrist band, silicone luggage tag, silicone label, silicone ice, cake mold, bracelet, cell phone sets, since the shaft sleeve, the mobile phone sticky mat, U disk shell, eat mat, pen cap, the pen buckle, mobile phone, mobile phone support, waterproof pad, etc., our products are in conformity with the United States and the European Union ROSE report environmental standards ,environmental non-toxic, because the unique production technology, image lifelike, feel is exquisite, plasticity, three-dimensional appearance, fashionable and beautiful. Close to the market trend. Product light resistance, resistance to sweat, cold, friction resistance, prevent ageing, do not fade, waterproof, etc, it can do 3D and 2D graphic effect, also can do double-sided clamping logo. Products are widely applied to advertising, promotional gifts, business exhibition, festival promotion, sports event, life gifts, corporate gifts, toys etc. Since our company establishment ,we are supported by Japan Disney, pleasant goat, kung fu dragon, China telecom, KFC, McDonalds, NHT, Toyota motor Corp. ICBC bank , Tencent, China mobile and other well-known brands at home and abroad business.We will provide complete one-stop service from product design, open mold, proofing, production, packaging, transportation and after-sales service. The company takes the good faith management, mutual benefit, continuous improvement, the operating principle of common development, with superb technology, excellent quality, good service, to win the leader of gift industry!     Dear customers and friends, nowadays the society may lack integrity, lack of faith, but we must be in good faith, keep promise. we believe that we will make the world to be a better place. World is wonderful because of you, Thanks for your support and attention all the time !We are willing to have good business relationship with all kinds of customers and create a better future.                      联系人:    陈小姐                    电话/传真:0769-89803555                    手机/微信:13790359036                    旺旺 :      silicone_gift                    企业QQ:  1315641573                    邮箱 :    13790359036@139.com                    https://silicon2015.							                    	                    	                    	                    	           				           					           					           				           					           					           				           					           					           				           					           					           				           					           				           					           				           																																																																			分类:杯垫  																																									形状:方形  																																									材质:PVC  																																									颜色:蓝色  																																									品牌:OEM 定制  																																									型号:LO-008

联系人 陈妙疆
0769-89803555 13790359036
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