首页 煤矿设备 活性炭过滤器广州富鑫 专业厂家值得信赖

活性炭过滤器广州富鑫 专业厂家值得信赖

发布时间 2016-03-31 收藏 分享
价格 面议
区域 北京市 - 北京市
来源 广州市白云区富鑫空气过滤设备厂


活性炭过滤器  产品特性:  * 具有高度发达的微孔结构,吸附容量大,吸脱附速度快,净化效果好;  * 比表面积大,吸附能力强,能迅速处理各种有害气体,有效洁净空气;  * 备有多种活性炭过滤介质可选;  用途:  一般应用于空调通风系统异味及污染空气处理,有害气体(如苯、甲醛、氨气等)的吸附脱除溶剂的回收.  Carbon panel  Specialty:  * Carbon panel is processed by high adsorptive carbon fiber with well-developed cellular structure; it is featured with high dust holding and best purification effect.  * It is designed for eliminate the gas, volatiles and smoke and increase air return rate which can reduce the energy loss, carbon panel is suitable for the most factorys case.  * Large specific area and strong adsorption ability can eliminate all poisonous gas and clean the air.  Application:  Carbon panel is generally used for eliminate the poisonous gas (like benzene, formaldehyde, Ammonia etc in ventilation system.)  技术参数:Specification  型号  Type

联系人 陆心怡
020-23372937 13922163565
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